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Last year, I transitioned from being a spectatorat a fighting event to becoming a professiona]fighter, This shift in identity has made a hugedifference in how Ifeel about this activity. Aan audience member, I was fascinated by thebloody,violent ko scenes and the fierce blows othe scene, which gave me an adrenaline rush oexcitement. Standing in the ring, as a fighter,try to shut it all out and focus on the game I constructed a scene through the camerinstallation, placing the ring and the audiencin this space separately. The audience can1 walkaround the ring and sit in the audience, listeningto the soundscape in a completely differenidentity. And, as a bystander, feel in two verydifferent forms of adrenaline.
In some old community, many people will use this spacein the corridor to stack their personal belongings, or pu.storage items such as shoe cabinets on both sides o.the door. These items may be old furniture or some otheir own unwanted and forgotten items. l began tcthink about the relationship between public space ancprivate space. And some experimental attempts aremade through documentary photography to try toanalyze this phenomenon.
During the routine act of shedding dead epidermis, there is a subconscious emphasis on discarding jrelevant skin fragments, This woriexplores the wider social and cultural implications of an individual's relationship with discarded fragments of self. By confronting the body'!reluctance to rid itself of repeated dermal debris, the artist considers the nature of bodly rituals and delves into the discourse of personaontology. This work captures the profound significance of shedding dead skin, akin to rebirth, as it becomes a tangible archive of thetemporal changes that have shaped the arist's identity, resulting in the creation of installations, photographs and video
As l walked around the city, l found holes hidden in the citybia and small, These holes draw me in and connect with mspiritual world. Through an interactive experimental video, show a mixture of cave mysteries"and dreams