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Turn the camera on the mine and the people. My hometown used to be surrounded bgreen hills until a few decades ago, when mines replaced the green hills, farmersbecame workers,the shock of explosive blasting became a daily occurrence, andmines and related industries became the mainstay of the local economy.A large part of the ore produced by mines was sent to cement factories to make.people realized thecement.wherJaNersWOPKerDecades ater:transformation and thehone to usemycariera to recorn"elationship between people and the mine, which is the change of my hometown andthe change of people'sHuman beings are so small in nature, but they canthOUdntehave a huge impact on nature. When the natural environment is discussed all over theworld, l hope to convey the impact of human beings on nature and the relationshippetween human .and nature throucThis is not only a grouphometown.in myshooting.l always go totO was throun the streeteI hope myhotos are temnerature-sensitive,communicate with the villaners l meet ahout theweather, life, harvest and vision. lt is no longer just a cold place name, but a deepelemotion and closer connection between us. This land has taught me a lot. l present itin the way of photo zine, which is like a book, and the pictures l take are stories.
The emergence of ai has aroused heated discussion in China. Many peoplebelieve that the emergence of Al-generated images is the beginning of thedecline of photography and Al-generators will replace photographers. Thediscussion about photography and Al-generated images is really aboutpeople's belief in images as reality being broken, l think Ai and ps are bothtools of creation, serving for artistic creatior On this basis l chose to create a completely false world, The inspiration ofthis work comes from a popular science article l read about the Qin Dynastywhich hasadynasty more than 2.000 years ago.many similarities withmodern times.and ideology, racialCUcncontro Culturesegregation, the government'sencouragement of fertility and theexpectation of population growth, etc. Even this 2.000-year-old dynasty hasthings that transcend modern times, such as respect for women's rightsThese aspects caused me to reflect, l began to think about the shortcomingsand human thought. Soof modern society, llong for the progress of societyused Al to create a virtual world that is a continuation of the Qin Dynasty anda critiaue of the real world Political-show 2023105 Bright future 我有自科头 2023/05 In my Virtual world, many of the problems existing in today's society can betraced back to thousands of vears ago, such as the Great Wall of Qin Dynastyand the border wall of the United States, the burning of books in Qin Dynastyand theThe same problems haveasted for thousands, but they exist in a different wayVeArS Before generating the image,.lwould first construct the scene lwanted in mymind, extract the keywordsuse them to generate the image:the.0iand then constantly adjust the image.To build a more precise picture that'scloser to what l have in mind, l chose to let the Al generate similar pictureswith the pictures l selected in reality, l controled the style of the imagesbalanced the real and yirtual, and chose the pictures that are closer to realityto break people's belief in photos
A community is a group of individuals gathering togethe!There are similarities and variations between the concept in sociology andpsychology. Students in schools belong to both the sociological communities andpsychological communities.During the COVlD-19 pandemic, everyone on campus follows the same rules, but wereflect differently, as different personalities and experiences will determine how weact, The maintenance and obseryance of regulations are the internal and externacontrol of aroup behayior, In the early stage, l read books.. andin Jef.also learned from the subtle relationship between posindwall's works to improve my control over the images. My photos show theorder 0collective life throuah people and obiects on campus, People and thinas hayemeanings, as they are both the maintainers and followers of rules that ensure anorderly life.Waiting is inevitable in collective life.l took photos of peoplewaiting inline to get their deliveries, which is a reflection of following rules.The people in lineare squatting or standing, the items stacked are big or small, and the shoes in thedormitory are new or old, casual or fashionable, There are variations under theunified rules, indicating the world's nature
In my opinion, people like to take photos when traveling ,becaause people like to control, people think that as long as photos are left, they have all thesething, which represent coming and seeing , while the real meal and connotation in the travel are ignored. Photography has been endowed with the meaning of recording memories since it appearance,and continue to this way. Nowadays with mordern technologies, people use cameras or mobile phones to record everything even more frequently, eager to turn the moment into eternity.