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The original work,The Crucible, narrates a tragedy where some girls made up lies for their own interest and draaged innocentpeople into their web of wrongful accusations. Some of them pleaded guilty to the crimes they didn't commit in order to survivewhile others refused to succumb to lies and called for the truth and justice til the end of their lives. The general public, on the otherhand, siood sient out of tear. associated this story with the additive scandal of Foshan Haitan Flavouring & Food that eruptedearlier. The soy sauce company chose not to answer the essential question that consumers worried about, only stressing that itsproducts "comply with China's Food Safety regulations." China has always boasted itself as the country with the most rigorousinspection of food additives, but the legislation of its Food Safety Law involved major food companies like Foshan Haitian. Peoplecan't help but doubt its credibility as "both a player and a referee in the game" When food safety issues appear under the rulesthey make, consumers have nowhere to file complaints, and it becomes apparent who has more say and controls the narrative. Due to the sensitivity of the matter, l used cheese--a household product-as the symbolic carier for food safety and referencedthe storyline of The Crucible for my script. In the story, an inferior cheese product is packaged into a trendy commodity step by stepunder the influence of capital and the hierarchical social structure, and almost everyone chooses to keep silent, but an ordinaryperson fiohts hard and alone in exposing the scheme. With this plot, I try to manifest the status quo of a capital society that thetruth" rarely makes a difterence when capitalist interests have a stronghold on public opinion. For the stage design, l adopted arealistic style that gradually changed to a surealistic style to create a slow transformation from ordinary scenes of reality to abizarre. psychedelic seting. This conveys how the characters in the story shifted from a normal mindset t
I will tell the story in Charlie's first-person point of view--when advanced technology is enforced onto human bodies, the coldtruth gradualy erodes the genuine warmth and truthfulness in life. As the subject of the experiment, Charlie is put on display andobserved by visitors like an exhibit in a gallery. His private life is publicly exposed as scientific materials, and all the viewershave received an invitation letter to the show, which is packaged as an academic conference, and they will watch it together asparticipants, experiencing Charlie's life through his research journal. As Charlie becomes more intelligent, he also becomes lessengaged with others. He hates his old self, who was stupid enough to smile at the bullies despite being kind and sincere. Thechange happening to Charlie is associated with two setings in the text-the bakery and the lab. n the bakery, the doughs, flourstained aprons, and the yellow light all embody a gentle and soft texture: in the lab, the glassware, reagents, equipment, displayscreens, and the cool tone of the lighting all seem so cold and rigid. aim to convey the opposition of the two scenes on thestage and enhance or weaken it to adjust their balance, pushing the plot forward. KEY WORDS: technologies interfere with the natural human body, experiment sample, social gaze, individual human rights andthe advancement of civilization
Script Analysis Mother Courage and Her Children is a play revolving around a brave mother who struagles to provide for her threechildren and survive the war by doing sall business but eventually fails and loses her children, it portravs ordinary people's suffering in wars. Adaptation & Background Shift Based on the play, I boldly weaken the mother's character and unfold the story from the three children's perspective-Kattrin realizes the horror of war, fights against it with all her abilities, and ultimately prevents a massivesneak attack by sacrificing her life. Eilif joins the army to prove himself but dies a sudden death at the intersectionof war and peace due to the abrupt shift in the system. Schweizerkas becormes a treasurer and dies protecting thearmy's cash box. The deaths of the three vouna adolescents foreshadow the struaales of vouth against the back-drop of war. Through this, I want to use Mother Courage's family to reflect the fate of more Ukrainian families andtell a story of how the country's youth remain steadfast in war and protect their nation in their own way. Ukrainianvouth exchange their views on war. their feelinas. and contributions to ending the war on a forum. contributing theirunique power to ending the war.