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Zhejiang University / lndividual work / Completion time: February to June 2022 / Course: Urban Design / lnstructor: Zhang Yi About:Varosha, once a flourishing tourist destination, plunged into desolation following a military blockade resuling from Turkeys intervention.What was formerly a vibrant city soon evoved into a renowned ghost town. Nevertheless, the Varosha Renewal project envisages atransformative journey, seeking to resurrect the region as a beacon of sustainability and innovation.This ambitious initiative integratescuting-edge technolocies and sustanable practices to breathe new life into the clty and empower ts inhabitants. The appication oadvanced tools. supported by artfcla intelidence and parametric desian. propels the development of a sel-sustaining communitymportantly, all structures within the community prioritize the use of recycled materials. The deployment of 3D printing technology facilitatesthe reintegration of components from existing structures, fostering a circular economy and minimizing waste. Varosha Renewal aspiresto a future where the scars of mlitary conflict metamorphose into symbols of reslence and sustanablity. The project aims to redefineVarosha as a model for eco-friendly urban development, spotlighting the harmonious integration of nature, technology, and community
Zhejiang University / lndividual work / Completion time: July to 0ctober 2022 / Course: Methodology of Landscape Architecture /Instructor: Wu Jiayu About:Under the backaround oflandscape diaizaton. virtua space and physica world are hichly intecrated. Pehaps the combination of oranic: systems and diaital systemsand the diatal symbiosis driven by diverse and heteroeneous data inteigence wil be the ftuture of our cties. This subject puts forward some measures and strategiesor the ootmization of areen soace in xachend area ofhanzhou. and outs torward some measwres and strateries tor areen space optmzaton, and is uparaded to set ofvanable, response,and scalable ecologica framework, and mplements t through a set ofinteligent green space management and planing system
This project aims to use mixed conferous forest induction technology to adjust the forest structure of Yongjia County to resist pine witnematode, and to build a more economical and stable forest system that is more resilient to risks, can create more economic and sociavalues, and can respond to the local historical and cultural needs. Since 1998. pine wilt nematode disease has areatly endangered thehealh of the forests in Yongjia County, and the death of a large number of pine forests has directly afected the development of locatourism and forestry, thus endangering the economic and social as wel as ecological security of the whole Yongjia County, The existenceof a large number of pure pine forests in Yongjia County is the root cause of this phenomenon, which is caused by historical reasons, aswell as unfavorable factors such as the backward local economic leve and weak protection awareness