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The Sahara Desert was once a thriving oasis in prehistoric times, teemingwith life. Over the course of thousands of years, it underwent drasticchanges. Millennia ago, dense forests, numerous lakes, and a variety ofanimals such as gazelles, hyenas, hippos, crocodiles, and even ancienthumans coexisted freely in this region. The Sahara Desert was thenreferred to as the cradle of a diverse array of terrestrial animals.As time passed, the once vibrant oasis disappeared along with the forestsand the diverse wildlife. After several thousand years, it transformed into avast desert, and the trend of desertifcation has persisted, with the SaharaDesert's area expanding continuously each year.
On the Asian continent 35,000years ago, an ancient group ofape-like creatures migrated tothis land. As time passed, theseintelligent beings graduallybegan to develop agricultureand claim the land. Agriculturebecame the primary meansthrough which ancient, wisehumans understood andmastered the world.
Against the backdrop of robust urban transportation development, the issue oftraffic noise has become increasingly prominent, By observing the noise levels atdifferent fixed points within a one-kilometer radius centered around the BeijingMetro Line 5 Beiyuan Road North Station, l discovered that the closer to the metrostation, the stronger the noise decibels, indicating signifcant noise interference fromthe elevated metro in the city.After identifying the problem, l conducted on-site research, documenting thenoise levels, standards, categories, and other factors for different land use types.I comprehensively analyzed the propagation of noise, the impact of noise onthe human body, and common soundproofing materials. Finally, combined withthe curled defensive posture of individuals, l created a flexible leisure space withabundant soundproofng materials in the gray space under the elevated bridge.
Chinese agriculture is characterized by its long-term nature complexity,and regional diversity.This determines that agricultural scientifc and technological work must adapt to local conditions, align with the characteristics of modem industrialized agriculture development, and produce frontline products that meet the practical needs of practitioners.With the progress of China's independent research capabilities and gradual development, agricultural research experimental bases have emerged.