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The project is carried out at Beljing Universityof Technology (BJUT), China. Taking theGinkgo Avenue as an example, the projectresearches the psychological pressure andrestorative needs of university students. Arestorative zone is designed with the theme ofGinkgo, and it also aims to solve the problemof the Avenue's current situation. This areacame across to me because of a foul smellemitted by trampled Ginkgo fruits, which fallin autumn. The project focuses on this areaand analyzes the restorative behavior ofuniversity students by taking into account thecharacteristics of the Ginkgo tree. A functionarestorative device is designed . it is made of apipe that collects Ginkgo nuts and is dividedinto four locations to satisfy the functionalneeds of purchasing drinks, warming up andstoring, exchanging books, parking, andtreating microbial fertilizer, respectively.
This project is about perceiving theexperience of comprehensive disorderconditions, and a special experience displaydesign was carried out for the Gucci storein SKP-s. Inspired by the chance day whenI discovered that I had motion sicknesssymptoms for a 3D game, I simulated thedesign after experiencing the symptomsthrough data review and the productionof wearable devices. In Gucci's furnituredisplay, clothing, and beauty, differentindoor sensory installations are carriedout that correspond to the manifestation ofperceptual comprehensive disorders. Visitorsare expected to understand the feelings ofthe sick and thus pay more atention to thisgroup.
The Shijiazhuang urban development initiativeaims to address the city's cultural identitydeficit and aging population by fostering aunique urban culture to attract the youngerdemographic. Despite economic growth andrapid industrial development, Shijiazhuanglacks tertiary industries and distinctivecultural elements for aligning with newurban development strategies. Embracing avaporwave cultural theme, the project focuseson six industrial wastelands in Chang'anDistrict. Utilizing five industrial symbols, avirtual urban design platform and cultural pointsystem are established to encourage culturalengagement. Residents and tourists participatein the Cultural Co-creation Market, culturalrallies, and performances, earning points forvarious activities. This collective effort envisionsa future Shijiazhuang as a culturally rich, self-built city, fostering inclusivity.
Based on the investigation of the productionand_lifestyle of nomads in Inner Mongoliaand their environmental evolution, this paperstudies the architectural structure, animals andplants of inner Mongolia to provide productionassistance for nomads to turn to pastoraldevelopment.A new livestock plant wasdesigned for herders in Chagannuer Townshiplnner Mongolia, to guide herders towardssustainable livestock husbandry.